Before we bailed out of the Great White North Rachel had an opportunity to go to a food show in Chicago. Just to give you an idea of the gravity of that experience here's a few examples...
- For sports fans it's the equivalent of going to a world series game
- For NASCAR fans it's Daytona with pit passes
- For car fiends it's the LA Auto Show
Get the idea ? Well not only was it a huge-mongous exhibition of all things fancy foods but there were celebrity chefs there too. Some of you have already gasped at least once since you started reading this; for those of you that haven't let me go ahead and help you get it out of the way...GASP !
Now if you've known Rachel at all over the past undisclosed years that she's been alive, then you know that when she wants something she gets it...sometimes with carnage in her path. From the get-go she was on a mission to get signatures and pictures of her and the varios chefs that would be at the show. Once she actually got around a security dude and got a picture before the celeb could say "OK thanks folks...I'm outta here." Below you can see the results of Rachel's kamakaze mission.

way to go, rach! the funny thing is it almost looks like you threw yourself in long enough to take a pic then ran away!
that is totally what happened !! Paula was more than happy to do it, but Emeril was another issue.
So they were REAL??? Excuse my stupidity...I thought they were wax figures!
They were totally REAL. I was LOVING it !!
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