Monday, February 11, 2008

How to Cuss Out Your Baby Brother

The kids have finally figured out how to insult each other with words now instead of hitting. Yes, they're growing up so fast.

We can thank such wonderful shows like Charlie Brown Christmas. My kids picked up "idiot" and "stupid" from Lucy. Of course like all kids, including myself at their age, they don't know it's a "bad word" until they use it and get in trouble. I can remember repeating a rather offensive word after hearing it on a Superman movie when I was 7. I don't think I've ever learned quicker than I did in that moment of realization that I used a "bad word" and thus must be punished.

Devious, I mean cunning, children are also quick to figure out that the tone of your voice, no matter what you're saying, can communicate disdain or frustration. Our oldest created the word "britchy" I think out of frustration from not being able to use "idiot, stupid and poopy-head." I'll just make a new word but use the same tone, that will let baby brother know I mean business. Now I know that it looks like and sounds like a very grown-up kind of word but I'm almost positive it's not a by-product of her mother's vocabulary; almost. Then there's the use of words by kids where they see it as a down-right cutting jab. This is the funniest and hardest to actually correct. The kids have a friend who thinks the word "stinker" is just the worst cut-down in the world. And I'm sure in his mind he's just waiting to get in big trouble for using it. But come-on (shelly) it's not a bad word and it's actually quite funny. The sincerity is definitely appreciated and it reminds me of one of my favorite commercials. Orbit gum has a "dirty mouth" commercial with two ladies and a man giving each other one heck of a tongue-lashing, only it's with "clean" words. Check it out below...

Oh, one more thing...eliminating part of an insulting phrase doesn't make it less bad. Telling your baby brother to "shut" instead of "shut up" doesn't fool your parents. Unless of course dad's watching TV and mom's cooking, then you can probably get away with it a few times.


1 comment:

amy said...

that's a great commercial, lint licka!!! my kid just told me the other night, when she was a tad miffed at me, "goodnight, spitface". i felt the love...loved the post! sounds like y'all are in the same stage as us. ain't it fun?