My neighbor shared something with me last Spring about the cold weather here...in like a Lion, out like a Lamb. Ain't that the TROOF.
Yesterday morning, WHOP...it was here; and I mean real winter here in Illinois. Not just cold weather; snow, freezing rain, ice, traction control, anti-lock brakes, do I have enough airbags, if I get stranded in the ditch will anyone notice, winter weather. Oh and let's not forget, "passenger air sucking" driving season. You know, when the person in the chosen seat next to you makes that noise when they think you're going around the corner too fast or something appears like it might slam into you. Men, you know what it's like, I needn't say more.
Being that we're not "from here" my family has the love-hate relationship with Winter. After all you can't get to Spring without going through Winter. It's like Wal-Mart; it sucks but it's necessary. So we decide to get out of the house, brave the elements and head to the neighboring metropolis that is Oswego to grocery shop and eat dinner. Initiate wind sucking sounds...
It was brutal and I'm not exaggerating. At a break-neck speed of 35mph we headed off into the freezing rain. The best part was being pummelled by chunks of ice that would peel off the hood and fly into the windshield. Believe me that's a great test of your ability to bite your toungue. Remember there are KIDS IN THE CAR.
Perhaps the most enjoyable aspect of all was the journey back out to the car after shopping. Think about this...have you ever seen a 4x4 shopping cart ? Or one with all wheel drive ? No. Just take a moment and picture Mr. & Mrs. Graceful trying to carry two kids and push their shopping carts over slush. It's another one of those things you just can't appreciate until you do it one. Hmmm...sounds like a topic for future posts, maybe I should make a list.
Notice that I used to term "shopping cart" ? While in line at the checker last night, I, in my ever-so-loving-fatherly voice, instructed our youngest to "get in the buggy". Immediately the checker asked where were from. Rachel gave her line of "Texas, been here a little over a year". The checker said she was tipped off by my use of the word "buggy". One of her friends who lives in the South (Florida, as IF) says that too.
But even though it's cold out, Grass still grows in winter.