One of my friends, strike that, MANY of my friends and family have their own blog sites these days. What makes their lives so much more interesting than mine ? Well, sometimes they do go cool places, adopt internationally, move across the world, etc. So I guess they are cooler than me sometimes. But darnit, I've done some cool things too !
And there's the bug...it's bitten and I'm officially blogging. Secretly I think Rachel will catch it too. This is a woman who LOVES to list, chronicle, journal all aspects of our life. We have a "Things to do before we die" list, a list of good meals that she's served, vacation journals, funny things the kids have done, it goes on and on. Admittedly I probably have forgotten about most of them since writing is not my strongest feature.
You know I kinda like this stream-of-consciousness writing/typing thing. Hmmm...maybe this will work. We'll see....
And there's the bug...it's bitten and I'm officially blogging. Secretly I think Rachel will catch it too. This is a woman who LOVES to list, chronicle, journal all aspects of our life. We have a "Things to do before we die" list, a list of good meals that she's served, vacation journals, funny things the kids have done, it goes on and on. Admittedly I probably have forgotten about most of them since writing is not my strongest feature.
You know I kinda like this stream-of-consciousness writing/typing thing. Hmmm...maybe this will work. We'll see....
Don't worry, I don't intend on filling this with dribble about work, me, Lazarus and Baby or my latest vehicle purchase; unless I feel like everyone needs to know. Knowing me that will probably apply to everything that happens to me. Sorry for that in advance.

Instead I'll fill it with the people in my life who really are interesting: my wife, kids, dogs, in-laws, parents, friends, on and on. Oh and I'll put in some pics too, for good measure.
Our little family has been through quite a bit of change over the past 10 years. I can't believe it's been 10...wow I've got some catching up to do. Anyway, that's one of the reasons why I titled this blog "Where the Green's Grass Grows." We seem to have adopted moving as a past time so where our grass grows changes; the location, type of grass, growing conditions, yard size, etc. You'll get the more abstract points of that statement later.
It's also the title of a favorite country song. Country music seems to have this romantic weave throughout mine and Rachel's and life (I know I'm supposed to put her first in that sentence, but I couldn't decide it my's was a word, or if it was mine's). It's not particularly top on my list of listenings, but it is something that both Rachel and I can listen to together.
So at the birth of this blog, the Green family is defined as: Jason (30), Rachel (31), Paige (4 1/2), Jake (2 1/2), Lazarus (~70 dog yrs) and Baby (~60 dog yrs). We're living in a small town in northern Illinois, I'm working for a major energy company, Rachel works for a gourmet food/gift store and we're having a great time. I'll save the details for later posts.
PS-that pic is not in Illinois